Mindset Check


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Mindset Check



Teaching you that you have more

power than you think you do in

every single episode!

Here's the Latest

A podcast that helps you navigate

through the space of what

happens in your mind

If you like being inspired and you love experiencing shifts in your thinking that help you see the world in new ways then this podcast is for you. I share with you on a very personal level and I love to teach through stories. I figure I learn best that way and maybe you do too.

When I first set out to share on the podcast I had all my equipment and had so many episodes outlined, episodes that I had felt inspired to share. When I sat down to record my first episode it felt like I hit a brick wall!

The inspiration that had been flooding my mind was no longer there. So I took a little break, knowing there must be a reason for the fog.

A few nights later I was lying in my bed and I felt/heard the words, "Mesha it's because you are supposed to share your journal from when you were 15 and pregnant." All in the same moment I was thinking WHAT? Are you sure? AND I also really got it.

I understood that by sharing a very personal story it would help me to be raw and authentic in sharing about our hearts and about life.

I knew that it would be an incredible way for me to share the mindset and things I was learning at the time (HARD KNOCKS!) and all that I could contribute at this point in my life looking back.

Plus, I am a huge believer that our stories unlock the hearts of those we are sharing them with. That we learn through others' stories, even though they may be wildly different from our own.

If you like being inspired and you love experiencing shifts in your thinking that help you see the world in new ways then this podcast is for you. I share with you on a very personal level and I love to teach through stories. I figure I learn best that way and maybe you do too.

When I first set out to share on the podcast I had all my equipment and had so many episodes outlined, episodes that I had felt inspired to share. When I sat down to record my first episode it felt like I hit a brick wall!

The inspiration that had been flooding my mind was no longer there. So I took a little break, knowing there must be a reason for the fog.

A few nights later I was lying in my bed and I felt/heard the words, "Mesha it's because you are supposed to share your journal from when you were 15 and pregnant." All in the same moment I was thinking WHAT? Are you sure? AND I also really got it.

I understood that by sharing a very personal story it would help me to be raw and authentic in sharing about our hearts and about life.

I knew that it would be an incredible way for me to share the mindset and things I was learning at the time (HARD KNOCKS!) and all that I could contribute at this point in my life looking back.

Plus, I am a huge believer that our stories unlock the hearts of those we are sharing them with. That we learn through others' stories, even though they may be wildly different from our own.

You have more

power than you

think you do

when you take

time for a

mindset check

Season 1

Sharing my personal journey with you from my journal when I was 15, pregnant AND married. We navigate through a rocky relationship, a lot of low vibration, betrayal and how to rise above it. We go through grief and how to process as I openly talk about the passing of my daughter and lots of forgiveness and figuring out life. We focus on how you have more power than you think you do to live the incredible life that is in front of you.

To start season 1 from the beginning click here.

Season 2

Sharing with you the vulnerable side of the story from my current husband's point of view, how we came together after once "going out" in the 6th grade and him liking me ever since! We go over the incredible ways life works and how to look for ways you are being led. We talk about navigating through relationships when not everything is peaches and about the challenges of dealing with the tragic loss of one of Jake's family members to suicide. We learn that no matter what you go (grow) through you are still you and the ways you interpret life determine how you experience it.

To start season 2 from the beginning click here.

Season 3

This season we are talking about our internal state and the power we have to create a state inside of us that allows us to live a life of joy and expansion! I’m sharing on a heart level talking about frequencies, vibrations, thoughts and emotions that you can check into help propel you forward in creating your life. We have educational and motivational mindset checks, guest episodes and Hey Mesh episodes that are all designed to encourage, uplift and alter the course of your life toward living in a beautiful state showing you once again that you have more power than you think you do in every single episode!

To start season 3 from the beginning click here.

What matters in life is not what happens,

what matters is what you think about what happens.

Overall so much of our reality is created because of the thoughts that we think and the feelings we teach our bodies to feel. We take this apart in every single episode and learn ways to approach living that contribute to our ability to create a better life.

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