Become a master at creating heart coherence

In this course you will learn:

How to develop the skill of heart coherence.

The powerful ways you can use heart coherence.

The science that backs the methods and theories I will be teaching you.

Plus powerful motivation that will inspire you and give you chills all over as you learn how incredible this tool can be in your life!

There is a power inside of you that is already

there, you only need to learn how to use it.

The energy of your heart has the power to help you:

Learning to lead a heart led life gives you

access to a more enhanced way to live.

When you learn to unlock the power of your heart you alter your inner experience and

when you alter your inner experience everything on the outside of you changes too.

The best part?

It isn't hard

It's simple

You can do this!

I'll make it easy,

walking you through

each step of the journey.

I'll make it easy,

walking you through

each step of the journey.

Handle the curve balls of life

without getting knocked off your feet.

When life becomes taxing we tend to operate in ways we prefer to not remember! We can become scattered, less effective, impatient and unkind.

When heart coherence becomes part of your life you have more in your tank to handle all that is on your plate. You feel clear in your thoughts, have more emotional stability and you will have more to give if a sticky situation arises. It all happens naturally when you regularly access the state of heart coherence in your life.

Syncing your heart on a regular basis

teaches your body to automatically

create higher feeling states.

What if you could push a

reset button on the chemicals

your body creates?

Our body can become addicted to stress and negative feelings. Something hard or bad happens in your life and just like that your body has learned how to produce chemicals that feel awful.

With heart coherence you can teach your body to reset the chemicals it releases as a default so that feeling good feelings becomes normal!

What if you could push a

reset button on the chemicals

your body creates?

Our body can become addicted to stress and negative feelings. Something hard or bad happens in your life and just like that your body has learned how to produce chemicals that feel awful.

With heart coherence you can teach your body to reset the chemicals it releases as a default so that feeling good feelings becomes normal!

Stop living a life that is scattered and overwhelmed

Discover How Your Heart Can Feed You

Heart Coherence Brings

Connect with your heart

Shift your energy and elevate your vibration.

Heart coherence builds you up so the vibrations around you no longer throw you off. Imagine not absorbing the low vibrational, non reciprocating energy that is so unavoidable in this world.

Not only does it help you in protecting yourself, it also allows you to step into higher states that cause you to attract better things into your life. This is one of the best and most effective ways of doing that.

Live in tune with

your own intuition

I will show you how to tap in and access your intuition through this state of heart coherence. Learn how to be in tune with your spirit and your own inner guidance system. Live more "in flow" and lean into the guidance that is waiting for you.

The most blissful and beautiful state....

Once you learn it you will not want to live without it.

Recover quickly from intense situations!

My husband used to take days to fully recover on the inside after experiencing something that was emotionally or mentally stressful. He didn't know that this was further creating the problem of becoming addicted to those stressful feelings or what he could do about it. He thought it was "just the way he was." Heart coherence allows you the ability to quickly bounce back after hard situations and it also gives you even greater ability to handle them in the moment.

Create energy with your heart

Heart living changes the

environment around you.

I'll show you the effect that heart coherence has on the people around you. It's actually scientifically backed that when you are in a state of heart coherence you create harmony in the environments you are in. In other words, your internal state affects those around you and you have power.

Heart living changes the

environment around you.

I'll show you the effect that heart coherence has on the people around you. It's actually scientifically backed that when you are in a state of heart coherence you create harmony in the environments you are in. In other words, your internal state affects those around you and you have power.

Mesh, What have you learned as a result of being in charge of your state?

When I first experienced heart coherence it was such an incredible, blissful feeling. I was in the middle of meditation one day when I felt a surge of peace and my heart felt alive and awake. I had no idea what I was experiencing but I knew I wanted to feel it all the time!

I am happy to report that I have figured out the feeling, researched the heck out of it and have become a registered Heart Math Technician with the Heart Math Institute. I'm so grateful to understand it more fully and to discover how extensively it has been researched so that I can teach you all about it.

My life has been altered for the better because of heart coherence. Ever since it has been in my life I'm more peaceful. I let go of judgements and criticisms more easily. I am more validated internally vs needing that to come from others. I am less reactive, more aware of myself, my emotions and the choice I have in them.

I have better relationships and I experience more peace around me. I enjoy more flow in my life and live in a better state to create my life. Trust me when I say that when you see what it really does for you it will become a non-negotiable part of your life.

Heart coherence allows you to be in charge of your state,

the way you internally experience life.



What's Included

6 weeks of course material that will guide you through each step in the heart coherence journey PLUS life-time access to the course so you can repeat it as much as you like!

• Bonus! My Learning to Meditate in 5 Minutes course

• Your choice of one of my meditation packets to help you with your practice

Wake up to the power of your heart

so you can live in a state of bliss!

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